Alabama Deer, originally from the PNW, had a tough childhood and military service before becoming a model. Her interest in modeling began as a child, influenced by family members. At 19, she had her first shoot on a motorcycle, which she loved. Family, especially her husband, and friends are vital to her, as well as her gym community. She emphasizes safety for new models, suggesting self-improvement and setting clear boundaries.To know more about her keep reading:
Alabama Deer Exclusive Interview
Where are you from, and how would you describe your life growing up?
I’m originally from the PNW, growing up near the Seattle area. My life growing up wasn’t easy, particularly my childhood and early adulthood in the Army. I’m glad to have made it through to the other side though because I love everything about my current life, even if I had to survive a lt of trauma to get here.
How did you find your way in front of a camera, modeling?
I’ve wanted to be a model ever since I was a little girl – I would even make my mom take posed pictures of me which are some of my earliest memories. My great grandmother, grandmother, and an aunt were all models at some point in their lives. My first photo shoot was when I was 19 or 20, in a bikini on a motorcycle. The photos were shipped off to Special Forces soldiers that were deployed at the time. I was hooked.
What do you like best about being a model?
I enjoy meeting new people and networking, collaborating to make an idea come to life, becoming a new character depending on the look. It’s just one of my favorite forms of self-expression.
Besides modeling what is the most important thing in your life? Do you have any unusual talents?
My marriage and my children are the most important things in my life. I don’t believe I have any unusual talents, but I do love writing, drawing, painting, doing hair, and lifting weights.
We all need support in life. Where do you get your support? What or who inspires you?
My husband is the most supportive person in my life, immediately followed by my close group of friends. I also have an awesome little gym community that inspires me and keeps me going. I am just driven to improve myself daily, and try to show up as the best version of myself in whatever capacity I am able.
What do you think is the most challenging thing about modeling and what advice would you give to new models?
Safety is always my number one concern. Sadly, there are people out there that prey upon models and particularly young/newer models where they get girls in situations they are not comfortable and feel pressured to do things they normally wouldn’t agree to. My advice for new models is to constantly work on yourself and your look, vet all photographers you work with and even pay legitimate talent to build your portfolio, and have strict boundaries and stick to them.
What is your favorite way to relax? What do you do for fun?
My favorite way to relax is getting stoned and watching The Righteous Gemstones.
You look amazing. What do you recommend for those wanting to keep in shape?
A diet high in animal protein, lift heavy weights at least 3x week, and walk 10k or more steps daily.
What would you consider your strongest attribute? What do guys compliment you most on?
Everyone online comments on my booty, but when people meet me in person for the first time they always comment on how muscular and solid my upper body is. I really just love existing in a strong body.
Anything about your heritage, ethnicity, or nationality that you feel people would like to know?
I’m mostly Irish, English, ,and a bit Italian.
Please share something about yourself that may surprise others. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
My husband is a skydiving instructor and I don’t enjoy skydiving myself, but people are most surprised when I tell them I have birthed 5 children.
What are your dreams and goals and ambitions?
Right now I am really focused on competing in physique competition again within the next year. If I can just make it back to the stage by then, I will have achieved my goal.
If you were in a magical machine that could transport you to any place and time imaginable, where would you love to be? Why?
I would love to vacation in Fiji. My husband and I never had a honeymoon, so I would really just love to go somewhere tropical just the two of us.
Are you a naughty girl, or a nice girl 😉 ?
I’m an angel baby.
Please share a guilty pleasure with us. Your naughtiest fantasy?
My love for Taco Bell may be my guilty pleasure ha ha.
I don’t believe my naughtiest fantasy is something I can or should share on this platform, but it involves a public show.
What’s one thing about yourself that everyone should know?
I’m nicer than I look.
What does being published on mean to you?
It’s really an honor to me any time someone wants to feature my image or my story with the public, I don’t take it lightly.
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