Kayla, a model from Xenia, Ohio, embraced a small-town childhood surrounded by family and outdoor adventures. Transitioning from a track athlete to pursuing modeling, she found a new passion. Modeling allows her to be herself, boosting confidence. Kayla values family most, finding inspiration in her hardworking, supportive mother. Overcoming the challenge of gaining exposure, she advises new models to stay true and embrace discomfort for growth. Balancing the glamour, Kayla relaxes at the gym, enjoys family activities, and surprises with a daring shark swim in Hawaii. Her dream is to grace billboards, providing for her mother.Keep Reading to know more about her .
Model Kayla Exclusive Interview
Where are you from, and how would you describe your life growing up?
I am from Xenia, a small town outside of Dayton Ohio. Growing up! there weren’t many things to do in this small town so a lot of things contained spending time with family in the outdoors. I have a big family and I’m the only girl out of five brothers so being with family all the time wasn’t a problem there was never a dull moment.
How did you find your way in front of a camera, modeling?
Growing up it was always a dream for me to be in front of the camera. It was a little more of a difficult process for me because I had to make some sacrifices in life that I grew up with and didn’t know to do without. Running track my whole life and attending college and slowly letting it go hurt a little bit but modeling is something I want to do and see myself growing in the modeling industry. I always got compliments on how I should start modeling so I gave it a try with the help of some friends that had some background in modeling and fell in love insistently.
What do you like best about being a model?
I love how I can be myself and the confidence boost it gives me makes me feel great and just makes me wanna just keep on going.
Besides modeling what is the most important thing in your life?
The most important thing in my life is my family I love my family with all my heart and I don’t know where I would be today if it wasn’t for them. I don’t really have any unusual talents but I did play many sports growing up such as gymnastics and I can hold a handstand for a really long time I would say longer than a minute.
We all need support in life. Where do you get your support? What or who inspires you?
My mother, my mom has supported me through every step of the way and every big change I made in life. She never made me feel horrible about the decisions I made in my life. She is the hardest-working woman I have ever met and has the biggest heart.
What do you think is the most challenging thing about modeling and what advice would you give to new models?
I think the most challenging thing about modeling is getting your name out there. It is hard to keep going if you are not getting any exposure to new and big things but with the confidence that you will grow with modeling you will use that confidence to keep going and get where you want to be, it just takes time. Some advice I would give to new models with me being a new model myself I would say is just be yourself and let yourself go if this is something you wanna do you will be willing to get out of your comfort zone, you have to be uncomfortable to grow.
What is your favorite way to relax? What do you do for fun?
My favorite way to relax is, going to the gym I love to work out it just makes me feel good and just a safe place for me. For fun I love to eat, I might be tiny but I love to eat a lot. I also enjoy taking pictures, like of course I do I’m a model! And also like I said I’m a big family person so me and my family tend to do things with each other every weekend such as cooking as a family or even playing team sports like sand volleyball.
You look amazing. What do you recommend for those wanting to keep in shape?
Make a set schedule for yourself to start going to the gym of course you can start off slow that’s the best way and when you are starting to see improvement just start to increase things exercise-wise. Also, I would say set up meal plans I think this is a very good way to track your eating more healthily.
What would you consider your strongest attribute? What do guys compliment you most on?
My strongest attribute and what guys compliment me on the most I would say would be my face, or my petite body.
Please share something about yourself that may surprise others. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
The adventurous thing I have done is swam with sharks in Hawaii.
What are your dreams,goals and ambitions?
My goal is to become big in the modeling industry where you will see me on billboards. My goal is to be able to provide and give my mother the things she always wanted.
If you were in a magical machine that could transport you to any place and time imaginable, where would you love to be? Why?
I would transport to Dubai with the pretty blue water on the beach. I always wanted to go to another country and just explore the things I don’t have where I am from. I would love to ride camels on the beach.
Please share a guilty pleasure with us. Your naughtiest fantasy? What’s one thing about yourself that everyone should know?
I am a very sarcastic person and love to joke around some people may take it the wrong way so it is good to let some know before.
Do you have any favorite quotes that you would like to share?
“Fear kills more dreams than failure will”
This is my favorite quote because I tend to miss out on many things growing up. After all, me being scared of failure or what people would think. This is your life and if you put your mind to something that you want to do just believe in yourself and keep going until you are somewhere that you want to be.
What does being published on cineleton.com mean to you?
It means a lot I am grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait for many more opportunities and many doors to open.
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